Co-Founder / Executive Director
Doris Railey Kieh is a graduate of North Carolina Central University’s School of Library and Information Science, Durham, NC. She specialized in academic and public libraries. She is interested in helping to build public libraries particularly to help improve the lives of women and girls. She is fascinated with the library because it is the center of knowledge, and it preserves the cultures of the United States, as well as other countries.
Her research focuses on immigrant families living in the United States, the impact of civil wars on women and girls, the history of women in library education and issues relating to the funding of academic and public libraries. She is an avid reader and loves discussing global issues.
I grew up in Liberia, and therefore have an appreciation for the library. I fondly remembers entering college in the US many years ago where the library was a source of comfort. It was a quiet place to study, to read, to conduct research, to reflect about the land I left behind. In the front of the library was where students assemble at the end of the day to compare notes. Everyone would say – “MEET ME IN FRONT OF THE LIBRARY”. At that time, card catalogs were used to locate books and journals in the library. Presently, libraries have gone high tech, using electronic catalogs and various library systems.
About the author